Performing and Broadcast Arts Hall of Fame

Billie Jo and Judd Herberger

John Waddell

Richard Mallery

Dennis Rowland

Bob and Kax Herberger

Alice Cooper

Leslie Nielsen

Pat McMahon

Hugh Downs
What is the Performing and Broadcast Arts Hall of Fame?
The Performing and Broadcast Arts Hall of Fame is presented by the Herberger Theater Center to honor an Arizona native or resident that has achieved national or international acclaim in the field of the performing arts and/or broadcast communications. This award is presented at a special celebration that takes place at the Herberger Theater Center.
How is the honoree chosen?
A committee of Valley leaders representing a cross-section of business and the community to select an honoree.
Why did the Herberger Theater Center institute this honor?
The creation of the Performing and Broadcast Arts Hall of Fame was designed to immortalize and acknowledge those individuals that have made our lives brighter through their contribution to the arts. As an organization committed to fostering the arts in our community, the Herberger Theater Center hopes to provide an example for aspiring artists and broadcast journalists in Arizona of the greatness to which they can aspire. In alignment with its mission, the Herberger Theater Center acknowledges the power of the arts in our community and those that have given their gifts to the world in order to improve the quality of life both inside and outside of Arizona.